Blogging community is a connection network between all bloggers, it served as a connection tools where these bloggers can have their discussion and share their ideas with each other which showed to be an important role in internet era (White 2006). Blogs shared a blog community normally based on the similiar interests in certain topics or issues.(Carolyn Wei, n.d.) For instance, Xanga, BlogCatalog and MyBlogLog.
It can be created by setting up a comment section or chat box in the blog where bloggers can interactive with each other. Recently, twitter has become popular in building community, visitors can follow each other and comment with this application, and it further bound all the bloggers together. Besides, the existence of hyperlinks also assists in building up a blogging community. Here i found a new way to build blogging community, which is wibiya. It is a customize social toolbar where you can put the applications and services together in your blog, it actually consists od many features such as twitter, instant messaging, ability to share, search tools, navigation lists and it even provides a full tracking and management system where you can see the numbers of visitors, subscribed to RSS fees. (Coree, 2010)

Types of blogging communities
Blogging communities basically can be categorized in three types which are blog centric community which is manage by one owner but there may be more than one blogger writing the blog, topic centric community which is a network linked by a common passion or topic among bloggers and lastly boundaried community which is a collections of blogs and blog readers together maintain a single platform.(White 2006)
Example of blogging community
Diary addictions is a blog community where people can get information of fashion, it falls under the category of topic centric community. The formation of this community link bloggers together by using a common topic which the topic here is fashion and beauty. This form of community distributes its power and identity across the community.

The hyperlinks on diary addictions is how they connect to each others. Above figure showed the circle section is the hyperlinks in diary addictions(White 2006)

Reference list
White, N 2006, “ Blogs and community- launching a new paradigm for online community?”, viewed 11 April 2010,
Coree 2010, “ 5 minutes to build your own blog community”, viewed 11 April 2010,
Carolyn Wei, n.d., “ Formation of norms in a blog community”, University of Washington, viewed 11 April 2010, <>
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